Information Security for Smart Businesses
Image generated by Bing Copilot Artificial intelligence (AI) tools like ChatGPT are revolutionising communication, creating content, and driving innovation. These tools, built on sophisticated language models, can mimic human conversation, generate text, and translate languages at lightning speed. While the potential benefits are undeniable, the impact on cybersecurity is a double-edged sword. On one hand,…
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As many businesses moved operations to the cloud or to full-remote positions hackers stepped up their game to exploit this relatively new situation. As a result, businesses in Europe had the largest spending in cybersecurity in 2020 than ever before, an increase of 39%. The Hiscox Cyber Readiness report (PDF) shows some growing trends that…
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The majority of the UK voted to leave the European Union last week. In addition to all political and economic impact that follows Brexit, there is a question about how Information Security and Data Privacy will be affected. Amid the chaos, there is good news in this field: most likely EU data protection will still apply.…
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The recent news that banks in Bangladesh and Vietnam have been successfully hacked is a concerning fact about the level of IT Security in financial services. SWIFT has warned its 11,000 members worldwide about the recent incidents, which allowed hackers to transfer more than a million Euros from TPBank in Vietnam. It seems the malware…
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Tim Cook refusal to comply with the US Government demand to weaken its security has created such a turmoil on internet. During the investigation of the San Bernardino terror case, the FBI recovered iPhones from the murderers which are encrypted and its information inaccessible. Therefore now they’re asking to create a new version of iOS which…
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A few days ago the US Federal Financial Institutions Examination Council issued a warning for banks that they should expect ransomware to grow in the following months. Despite the fact that financial institutions are one of the sectors that invest the most in cybersecurity, it seems ransomware is increasing in numbers. Just in case, you really haven’t…
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One common misconception in many industries is that “our data is of no interest to hackers”. While it is true that certain data might have no much monetary value, in general, personally identifiable information is a gold mine for hackers and should be protected accordingly. On Friday, the Hong Kong-based telephone and toy maker VTech was…
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Recently I received my invitation to test Let’s Encrypt, a project to create a free, open, automated Certificate Authority. Although the project itself might not have caught many headlines, this promises to be a game-changer for the industry. Firstly, they already passed the stage of a nice, cool idea and are moving into the real world, they received a cross-signature…
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High-profile hacking events this years is not only directly costing million of Euros to the affected companies, it is also affecting the rest of us. Reuters recently published an article stating that cyber-insurance premiums are on the rise to the point that some companies are struggling to find the money to buy appropriate coverage. Insurance companies are…
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In the IT Security circles, DNS has been a hot topic for quite a long time. The fundamental problem is that the entire Internet relies on the DNS, the phonebook of the internet. Back in the early 1980’s when DNS was being created, security was not a priority and it has remained an unauthenticated database…
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